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My Awesome Autism: Girl Version

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Nikki Saunders

My Awesome Autism: Girl Version

language ( June 2, 2019)
A girls version! A beautifully, bright and sensory illustrated book! A little girl named Emily shares her findings about her autism and teaches her readers in a cheerful playful way! Emily helps all children learn about their autism diagnosis and how “we are all different!” Whether your child receives their diagnosis at toddler age or much later, this wonderful educational tool suits all. It can be an overwhelming time for parents and carers to know when to start to explain to their child, about their autism diagnosis. During this time parents, carers and therapists look for the best way to deliver such love and reassurance! After all autism is a beautiful gift! At the same time, this can be a huge relief for the child to understand that they are truly wonderful as they are, and do not need to adapt to things that do not suit their needs. A fantastic communicational gateway between the child and the parents/caregivers. It helps to open up the subject in a gentle and nurturing way, to revisit at any time the child is ready and build upon their experiences with you! . The colourful, eye catching illustrations are carefully designed in simple 2D characters, sensory colours with simple contrast and clear short sentences allowing space to process in the child’s own time. A beautiful beginning as this book was first made for my son, then blossomed to help children and families all over the world!

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