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Living in the Shadow of Baldur's Death

Bryan wilton

Living in the Shadow of Baldur's Death

One of the difficulties with Asatru is that very few people will use our lore and the apparently ageless wisdom it contains to move past anything which might resemble the more painful aspects of growth. Just as when a person recoils from a hot flame, we also have the instinct to avoid emotional pain, and yet the Gods have demonstrated to us time and again that at some point they have suffered loss and endured pain. Not on our behalf so that we may avoid it, but in an effort to demonstrate how to endure, thrive and survive whatever may be going on in our lives. Living in the Shadow of Baldurs Death examines the introduction of sinister elements in the heavens themselves, how the Gods and the Cosmos reacted to it and how we may survive it as it happens in our own lives.