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Prime Suspect
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Syd Sullivan
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Syd Sullivan

Prime Suspect

(Archway July 7, 2019)

The year is 1995, where a thrilling story takes place in the beautiful city of Boston, as the life of Nick Williams is revealed. He was a criminal mastermind, flying under the radar of the Boston Police Department for decades. Prime Suspect tells the backstory of how the murder on Elm Street remained unsolved until now. Nick carefully keeps a close eye on Ariel Smith as she navigates through life's challenges.

As the years ride on by, Nick waits for the right moment to strike again.

Prime Suspect is the sequel to Unsolved Case which solves all the answers to the mystery.

1480879193 / 9781480879195
10.2 oz.
5.5 x 0.5 in.

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