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The Makers of Canada. George Brown.

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John Lewis

The Makers of Canada. George Brown.

Paperback (Leopold Classic Library Aug. 17, 2016)

About the Book

Books about the history of Canada cover a period from the arrival of Paleo-Indians thousands of years ago. Before European colonization, Canadian lands were for millennia inhabited by Indigenous peoples. Some of these civilizations had long faded by the time the first Europeans arrived. Since around 1600, French and British expeditions explored, colonized, and fought over what now constitutes Canada. New France was established in 1534, and was ceded to the United Kingdom in 1763 after the French were defeated in the Seven Years' War. There was some sympathy for the American cause during the American Revolution, especially among Acadians and New Englanders, but Canada remained loyal to the Crown. Canada made a more than proportional contribution to the British effort during World War 1.

Also in this Book

The military history of Canada spans hundreds of years of armed actions, including intertribal conflicts among indigenous peoples. In 1763, at the conclusion of the final colonial war—the Seven Years' War—the British emerged victorious over the French. The Quebec Act of 1774 gave Canadians their first charter of rights, and the northern colonies decided not to join the American Revolution. Americans launched invasions in 1775 and 1812, but were on both occasions repelled by Canadian / British forces; however, since this threat lingered well into the 19th century, it was a factor that led to Canadian Confederation in 1867. Canadian forces distinguished themselves on the Western front during World War, combining with Australian forces and British tanks to decisively break the Hindenburg Line at the Battle of Amiens (8 August, 1918). Canadian forces were also engaged in several theaters during World War 2, including the D-Day landing (at Juno Beach, 6 June, 1944).

And in this Book

Canada is a country in the Northern part of North America. It is geographically the second largest country in the world. It borders the USA and the majority of its area is forested or tundra. Its southern border with the USA is where there is most settlement. Canada has the world largest proportion of fresh water lakes.

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