Michael Gaster
The Friendliest Little Scorpion
(L'Ingenue Press Dec. 12, 2019)
The Friendliest Little Scorpion is one overly exuberant arachnid who simply doesn’t know his own strength.Affectionate to a fault, he yearns for nothing more than friendship, however his unfortunate obliviousness about how suffocating his hugs can be and how venomous his prickly bits are, causes all his well intentioned, most affable overtures to end in the most tragic—not to say fatal—consequences.Befuddled and discouraged by his status as social pariah number one, the scorpion goes for a walk in the forest which unexpectedly evolves into a profound expedition of self-discovery, which sees him wading through shallow pools of superficial reflection, tripping down rocky roads of flamboyant affectation, plumbing caverns of darkest desperation before, ultimately, striding out into the warm light of self-revelation.