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Everybody Hates School Dances

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Age 7+
Grade 3-4

Brian James

Everybody Hates School Dances

Paperback (Simon Spotlight June 5, 2007) , Media Tie In Edition
Fed up with being teased by the school bully, Chris blurts out that he's going to the school dance on Friday with the prettiest girl in Bed-Stuy -- and that he's taking her in a limousine! World travels fast, and soon Chris has only four days to find a date and a limousine, or he'll be the laughingstock of Corleone Jr. High. As if that wasn't bad enough, he somehow lets it slip that he is the best break-dancer in all of Brooklyn -- and all the kids at school want to see him prove it on the dance floor. Can Chris get out of this mess without getting caught or beaten up? Probably not, but he's going to try!
Everybody Hates Chris (Book 1)
1416935622 / 9781416935629
2.4 oz.
5.25 x 0.25 in.

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