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Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz

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L. Frank Baum

Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz

Paperback (Independently published Sept. 18, 2019)
In Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz, Dorothy, along with her cousin, Zeb, her cat, Eureka, and a horse named Jim, returns to the mystical land of Oz after being caught in an earthquake while travelling to meet her Uncle Henry at Hugson' s Ranch. Reunited with the Wizard of Oz in the land of the Mangaboos, Dorothy and her friends set out for Oz, dodging invisible bears and escaping from Gargoyles and Dragonettes along the way. But when Eureka is believed to have eaten one of the Wizard' s nine little piglets, even Oz might not be safe for them!
1693512769 / 9781693512766
10.1 oz.
7.0 x 0.29 in.

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