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A Witness to a Non-Happening: Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor

Saul Birnbaum

A Witness to a Non-Happening: Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Nov. 29, 2017)

The Holocaust was one of the worst events in human history. At the end of the Nazis’ bloody reign, they had systematically exterminated more than eleven million people. For the people who survived the Holocaust, one thing became very clear: nothing like this should ever happen again.

Throughout his life, Birnbaum stood up for what was right. After escaping certain death in a concentration camp, he joined the Brichah, the Polish underground resistance. He was determined to save as many people as possible. Many brave men and women like him risked their lives to get Jews to freedom during the war. Their sacrifices should not be in vain.

Saul Birnbaum knows that they were not. The Holocaust survivor became extremely troubled by what he was seeing in his new home country of America. People who had seen nothing of hardship and suffering were denying that the Holocaust even happened. Even with the disturbing facts laid before them, they refused to acknowledge the genocide of an entire people.

He protects those people again by refusing to allow anyone to desecrate their memories. His vivid memoir is a sharp rebuke to anyone who refuses to learn the lessons history teaches us all.

1545402914 / 9781545402917
15.2 oz.
5.0 x 0.8 in.