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The Water Princess: A Classic Adventure

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Ron Ricci

The Water Princess: A Classic Adventure

eBook (Gatekeeper Press Jan. 24, 2019)
Award-Winning Juvenile Fiction/1st Chapter Book. Ideal for 3rd/4th/5th Graders. Strong Father-Daughter Story. 4.5 from the IndieReader. Synopsis: A thirsty world is near its end - and there's only one way to make it rain. When the world needs a hero, it finds one in an 11-year old who journeys on a moonless night on a dangerous path to find faith in herself. Told through the eyes of a father-daughter camping trip, The Water Princess: A Classic Adventure takes the reader on a journey through the majestic and wild central California mountains and coastline - with an unexpected twist at the end. Beautifully illustrated, The Water Princess: A Classic Adventure will inspire readers to find and hike the same mountains overlooking the Pacific Ocean as the princess with a bow and arrow trying to make it rain.About the AuthorAuthor Ron Ricci originally told a campfire story called "The Water Princess" to his daughter and a group of friends camping with their dads when the girls were 10-years old. Years later, his adult daughter Annie encouraged him to publish the story and painted the water drop featured on the book's cover to inspire him - and it worked! The cover illustration of the princess with her bow and arrow as well as all the other interior illustrations were created by Lyn Meredith, a talented and self-taught artist from Hanford, California. Follow the adventure on; on Instagram @thewaterprincesbook; and on Twitter @thewaterprincesbook.