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Oprah Winfrey: Celebrity With Heart

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Age 11-14
Grade 6+

Jen Jones

Oprah Winfrey: Celebrity With Heart

Library Binding (Enslow Pub Inc Sept. 1, 2010)
Oprah Winfrey is one of the most famous people in the world and, with her huge media empire, one of the wealthiest and most influential. She has used this influence to make the world a better place. Her famous "Oprah’s Angel Network" has been changing the lives of the underpriveleged for the better since 1998. In more recent years, she has raised millions for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and funded the opening of schools in Africa.
Celebrities With Heart
0766034062 / 9780766034068
12.8 oz.
7.0 x 0.5 in.

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