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S.C. Sherman


Paperback (Ancient Path Publishing Inc. March 15, 2011)
The only adventure Moxie Malekin ever had was found on the pages of a good book. Hidden between the lines Moxie discovered entire worlds full of adventure, friendship, and even love. Wrapped in each new epic drama she couldn't wait to see what happened next; the exact opposite of her monotonous day to day. In Moxie's real life she simply wished she could fit in, and be a normal girl. No such luck! Her mother died when she was young. All her friends had a mom; she couldn't remember anything but the stories her dad told. His job as a University Professor had kept them on the move. Moxie always felt like the new girl, an outsider. Her only solace was found on the pages of the books she so voraciously read. In one singular moment, everything she ever knew changed forever. Her one solid rock, the one thing she could count on was gone. Her father was missing. How could he be gone? Moxie couldn't believe it. He'd been searching for his obsession, Atlantis. He was so sure he'd found it this time. The world she'd known and loved lay shattered at her feet, and for what? A silly obsession with lost worlds and false realities! Now she was being shipped off to distant relatives in England. Moxie has no idea the adventure that lies in wait for her across the sea. Moxie is an amazing story that leads readers on a journey across continents and into other worlds. Hang on to your hat and buckle up, because where you're going the strangest of things can happen at any minute. Animals may talk, horses may fly, Dwarves may march, Elves may slay dragons, a sorcerer may conjure up madness, the Atlantean's may plot a takeover of the entire world, and an unlikely young man may rise to be a king of the Faer Lands, all because of one girl named Moxie.
0984513329 / 9780984513321
16.0 oz.

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