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The Inspiring Story of Little Goody Two Shoes

Michael Levy

The Inspiring Story of Little Goody Two Shoes

language ( Dec. 23, 2010)
Michael Levy has taken the imaginative story and used inspirational skill in rekindling and renewing the story in a seamless transition from the year 1765 staying as true as possible to the original text.

The new poetry and philosophy fits like a hand in a glove with the original story so the adaptation is not seen as a change in texture or meaning of the original story. The poetry interweaves between the texts and gives the reader a chance to view life from a spiritual aspect as well as an educational one...

Thus wisdom is woven, in inspiring words, into the original author’s fascinating work with simple ease and appealing gracefulness.

Learning without wisdom has always been a flaw in all societies. Education is both a curse and a blessing for humanity. Unfortunately, too many live the curse by thinking money is their God and using greed and cunning to gain it. The story points out that greed for money does not make for a successful life no matter how much is made.

It is a story to charm the biggest Doubting Thomas and warm the cockles of the hearts of children of all ages throughout the world. Little Goody Two Shoes is required reading and should become integrated into every school library, college and university.

The book contains messages that can guide and mentor children and adults alike on the simplicity of how to live a happy carefree life on earth … Enjoy!

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