Michael Phillips
NEXT STOP: PANDEMONIUM: Reminiscences of a Small City Taxi Driver
(Michael Phillips Jan. 5, 2017)
A loud,muffled,crashing noise and the waiting area of the taxi stand was instantly devoid of people. A car turning right from two streets over turned into the street next to the cab stand and plowed into another car,stopped at a red light.This was only a dozen feet from the front door of our office.The people inside were, now, out surveying the scene. It was difficult to understand how the accident had happened. It was daylight and there were no unusual weather conditions. The reason soon became apparent...
This true short story is a portrait of life as a taxi driver in a small New England city,including the unexpected behavioral aberrations encountered in the surrounding communities. An occupational and cultural odyssey that unravels in sometimes bizarre and humorous ways.These, once, dormant tales are presented as a montage of memories that were collected long ago and highlight a unique subculture off the beaten track.