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Grace Brooks

Xenia the Warm-hearted

Paperback (Independently published Nov. 5, 2019)
There are no cheat codes for people.
Xenia Murphy may be a tech wizard and ace gamer, but her social skills leave something to be desired.
Now that she's 14, her father thinks she needs to work on that. And when her priest, Fr. Andrew, gets involved, Xenia decides to make it her mission. How hard can it be, after all, when you're almost a genius?
But when a group she joins turns out to have some unusual problems -- and include one very troubled teen -- she brings in her friends from the Every Tuesday Club to come to a deeper understanding of what it means to love others.
"Xenia the Warm-hearted" is the fourth installment in the Every Tuesday Club series. The ETC series aims to bring young readers to a better understanding of faith, family and friendship while still telling a good story that everyone can relate to.
Every Tuesday Club (Book 4)
1698351038 / 9781698351032
20.8 oz.
5.2 x 1.0 in.

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