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Bryce Gibson


Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform June 30, 2016) , 1 edition
Summer in South Carolina—a time of ripe peaches, crackling bonfires, trips to the lake, and the rural legend of a creature known as the Lizard Man.This year, a very real monster is lurking about. The victims all have one thing in common—they share their names with plants.Soon it becomes apparent that seventeen-year-olds Dusty Miller and Nandina Bush may be next on the killer’s list.“That was when I realized that the red I saw in the driveway wasn’t blood. It was a scattering of rose petals. Deep down, I knew, right at that very moment, that what all of us had been afraid of for the past several months had already happened. The serial killer had finally made his way to Crow County.”– Dusty Miller
1533508186 / 9781533508188
14.1 oz.
5.2 x 0.7 in.

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