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Invasion of the Space Crabs

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Christopher Botkin

Invasion of the Space Crabs

language ( Jan. 1, 2020)
The Cousins and Pets take a break at the beach, but, of course, a distant ancient supernova foils their fun.

So they must crack a cryptic clue to cure a mad mob of mutant man-crabs – before Hurricane Anus hits -- and THEN escape the robot SHARKs in Area 51.

Yep, it's just another Gooneybird week at the beach.


The Cousin Chronicles is a series of books I am writing for my nine grandchildren, featuring them as characters they suggest for themselves. Each Christmas, they receive a new book as their gift from me. Their adventures vary from time travel to basketball, from escaping vampires to defeating a mythological army of paper elves, from an odyssey through Dreamland to dealing, this year, with interstellar crustaceans.

Along the way, I try to gently introduce young readers to things of interest. Greek and Norse mythology. Classical literature. Science. And cultural references from Grandpa's time, way back in the 20th Century. I dare not call the Cousin Chronicles educational, but I would be pleased if, when they learn in science class heavy metals are created in supernovas, for example, they remember they read it in the Cousin Chronicles first.

The stories are essentially cartoons in text. The pre-teen to young adult reading level is intended to amuse adults who are reading aloud to young children. The Cousin Chronicles are written for all age groups who enjoy light-hearted reading.

Great with waffles. (Elephants find the word "waffles" hilarious. Book 1, page 88.)

Chris Botkin
December 2019

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