Jerry Toner
Latin Key Words: The Basic 2000 Word Vocabulary Arranged by Frequency. Learn Latin Quickly and Easily.
(The Oleander Press May 14, 2017)
Quickly Master Basic Latin by Building a Practical Vocabulary Fast!* New – Completely revised and updated* First 100 words provides 40% common usage* A simple, fast, proven way to learn Latin with ease* Easy units - your confidence grows as your vocabulary grows* Created by Cambridge University Classics Fellow Dr Jerry TonerLatin Key Words provides an easy route to mastering excellent basic Latin. Easy-to-learn Unit Structure gets you the words you need to know quickly and easily.One hundred easy-to-master units of 20 words each.Learn Latin quickly and simply.These words are the essential foundation stones on which you intuitively build your language framework:The first hundred words account for 40% of common usage and the first thousand for 68%. The full 2000 key words represent 75% of all Latin words in a corpus of nearly two million.Learn the vocabulary in Latin Key Words and you are three quarters of the way to mastering the entire corpus of Latin texts.Also provides an all-in-one basic Latin-English dictionary and an all-in-one basic English-Latin Dictionary.The perfect aid - to learn Latin by using the simplest, most logical way to pick up a vocabulary of ten thousand words from two thousand.Latin Key Words presents you with the 2,000 word basic vocabulary ordered by frequency of occurrence - in one hundred simple units.Ideal for Examinations and University study. Includes the major works of the following authors: Caesar, Catullus, Cicero, Horace, Livy, Ovid, Suetonius, Tacitus, and Virgil.A simple, fast, proven way to learn Latin with ease.Click to buy it now - you have free delivery with Amazon Prime.