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Chronicles of Avonlea, in which Anne Shirley of Green gables and Avonlea plays some part . . 1912

L. M. Montgomery

Chronicles of Avonlea, in which Anne Shirley of Green gables and Avonlea plays some part . . 1912

Hardcover (L. C. Page & Company Jan. 1, 1912) , First Edition
CHRONICLES OF AVONLEA is a collection of short stories by L. M. Montgomery, related to the Anne of Green Gables series. It features an abundance of stories relating to the fictional Canadian village of Avonlea, and was first published in 1912. Although it is sometimes marketed as a book in the Anne Shirley series, Anne plays only a minor role here. Out of the 12 stories in the collection, she stars in only one ("The Hurrying of Ludovic"), and has a small supporting role in another ("The Courting of Prissy Strong"). She is otherwise only briefly mentioned in passing in five other stories: "Each in His Own Tongue", '"Little Jocelyn"', "The Winning of Lucinda", '"Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's" and "The End of a Quarrel".
16.0 oz.
8.8 x 5.5 in.

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