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MARVELOUS ME! The Worldwide Adventures of Captain John Smith

Beverly Enwall

MARVELOUS ME! The Worldwide Adventures of Captain John Smith

eBook (Asgaard Viking Editions March 2, 2011)
Captain John Smith's amazing adventures took him to almost every part of the known world, he fought wars in several countries and ran a gamut of experiences. He engaged in single combat with Turkish knights, was given a coat of arms, was welcomed in prestigious castles, was sold as a slave, fought on board ships. Then, he returned to England and became involved in a plan to establish a colony in America. There new adventures and tribulations awaited, some more easily met because of what he had already experienced, some completely new. Yes, near the outset he was saved by Pocahontas, but that was only one narrow escape. And definitely not romance, for she was only about ten or eleven. He spent two and a half years in Virginia, and the importance of his being there became apparent after he left. His was the extraordinary life of a remarkable man, so much so that for a long time many people didn't believe half of what he said. Not everyone likes being around remarkable people. But today historians are finding that John Smith was only telling the truth. This account is based specifically on his own telling of the tale but written and abundantly illustrated so that casual fans of history and younger readers can follow and share in the story of his amazing life.

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