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Growing Up In V-Town:: Home town Stories From Vincennes, Indiana - Volume 2

David Boyer

Growing Up In V-Town:: Home town Stories From Vincennes, Indiana - Volume 2

(Independently published Oct. 14, 2019)
I always enjoy looking back on my memories of growing up in Vincennes, Indiana. No matter how many things change as the years fly by, I will always look back fondly upon my time here in V-Town, and I hope this series of stories will spark a happy memory for you, too. Some of these stories may elicit a tear, some laughter. Some might invoke memories of your first true love – or what my Mom would refer to as “puppy love,” or, perhaps better yet, “youthful infatuation.” Some may remind you of an old friend you haven't seen since high school – or, sadly, one that has passed in recent years. Some may remind you of your childhood, your teenage years – or having to bid them farewell, in order to move on to bigger and better things; marriage, children, grandchildren, and a lifetime of wonderful memories that only a tight-knit, loving family can provide. Regardless of how these stories may affect you, I am sure that everyone in my hometown will find something in these pages to make you smile.
1699827184 / 9781699827185
7.8 oz.
6.0 x 0.3 in.

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