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Rising Sea: A Pat Walsh Thriller

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James Lawrence

Rising Sea: A Pat Walsh Thriller

Paperback (Independently published March 15, 2019)

The sleeping dragon has awoken, and it has Pat Walsh in its sights.

Diplomat, assassin, spy…Pat Walsh has worn many hats, but treasure hunter has a new, rakish ring to it. The team are working on a covert operation in the Palawan Sea, a place once reigned by pirates and now fiercely controlled by the Chinese Navy. As East and West wrestle for dominance in the region, Walsh’s commanders have him performing a series of deep-water dives along a treacherous fault line. It’s there he makes an unexpected discovery that could change the fortunes of him and his team, forever.

But above their heads, sharks are starting to circle.

Walsh has everything to fight for: a deep and abiding duty to his country, a team he considers family, and a bounty that makes his CIA pay look like loose change. But they say men are sometimes victims of their own success, and Walsh’s delicate dance could land him in hot water.

He’s fighting for gold and glory, but he’s about to lose something far greater than both.

1797768484 / 9781797768489
11.7 oz.
5.0 x 0.6 in.

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