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Roger Jackson

A Shade of Mind

language ( Aug. 19, 2012)
When Bobby Hawkins wakes up in the hospital after a car crash, he’s not alone. Something – or someone – has taken up residence in his subconscious. Occasionally, it even pops up in his conscious mind and freaks him out.

He doesn’t tell anybody about it though. They’d think he was nuts. So Bobby deals with his psychic intruder as best as he can. Even when it pushes him to do things. Odd things. Like, hang out with the girl’s volleyball team in order to find someone he doesn’t know. Volleyball? He’s a star basketball player. He doesn’t want to have anything to do with volleyball!

But when he sees Angela Bryant on the squad, Bobby knows she is the one he’s supposed to meet. Why? No idea, but Stowaway, as Bobby nicknames the shadow in his mind, is relentless. He has to stick by her, protect her, and only Stowaway knows why.

A Shade of Mind is an unusual love story. It’s not only between a boy and a girl, it also portrays the love of a brother for a sister and a father for a daughter in a mysterious, paranormal, sort of way. Is Stowaway a benevolent spirit haunting a boy’s mind or something more sinister?