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Herbert Carter's Legacy; Or, the Inventor's Son

Horatio Alger

Herbert Carter's Legacy; Or, the Inventor's Son

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform April 1, 2014)
"Is that the latest style?" inquired James Leech, with a sneer, pointing to a patch on the knee of Herbert Carter's pants. Herbert's face flushed. He was not ashamed of the patch, for he knew that his mother's poverty made it a necessity. But he felt that it was mean and dishonorable in James Leech, whose father was one of the rich men of Wrayburn, to taunt him with what he could not help. Some boys might have slunk away abashed, but Herbert had pluck and stood his ground. "It is my style," he answered, firmly, looking James boldly in the face. "I admire your taste, then," returned James, with a smooth sneer. "Then, you had better imitate it," retorted Herbert. "Thank you," said James, in the same insulting tone. "Would you lend me your pants for a pattern? Excuse me, though; perhaps you have no other pair."
1497513758 / 9781497513754
7.5 oz.
6.0 x 0.2 in.

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