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David Eddings, Leigh Eddings

The Younger Gods

Hardcover (Aspect Aug. 22, 2006)
In this thrilling conclusion to The Dreamers, the Vlagh prepares for one final, merciless attackone that will pit her forces against the might of both the Elder Gods and the Younger Gods. But all the painstaking preparations of these noble allies might come to naught if they continue to ignore a growing threat within their ranks. For Aracia, sister of the goddess Zelana (The Elder Gods), is nearing the end of her cycle, and has begun to lose her mind. Her insanity, if it is not recognized, will place the entire land of Dhrall in turmoil, making the dreaded coming of the Vlagh look like a childs game by comparison.
The Dreamers, Book 4 (Book 4)
0446532282 /
22.4 oz.
6.4 x 1.4 in.

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