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Grade 3-4

Hope Paris Mendelssohn

Butterflies of the Soul

Paperback (XLIBRIS April 27, 2010)
BUTTERFLIES OF THE SOUL is a heartfelt collection of stirring and colourful poems based on the author's life spanning three decades, from her birthplace of Tauranga, her journies through Africa, England, Indonesia and French Polynesia. Written "wholistically" these poems truly reflect Hope's experience of life by means of style and technique. In "RAINBOWS COME FROM A THREATENING SKY" the reader is held by ideas and pictures which are used to develop several themes simultaneously, a sense of colour, sound and physical surroundings, and she succeeds splendidly in this form of point-counterpoint. In "LES PAPILLONS" personal feelings and experiences are juxtaposed with powerful images and motifs, prompting the reader toward evocative resonances in an unself-conscious way.
1450058051 / 9781450058056
8.0 oz.
6.0 x 0.3 in.