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The Rumplings: Age of Dawn

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Francisco Moreira

The Rumplings: Age of Dawn

Paperback (Rowanvale Books Ltd. Nov. 30, 2016)

An easy life is not always a good life.

In a world where food is religion, a group of furry little creatures called Rumplings struggle to maintain the values of their creed when faced with a greedy and domineering religious organisation.

Rocket, a humble and devout Rumpling, despairs when Snifer and the Church of Food lure Rumplings away from their work with offers of unlimited food and free housing. Rocket has a bad feeling about this. How can he get the other Rumplings to see sense? Is it already too late for them?

1911240218 / 9781911240211
3.5 oz.
5.0 x 0.2 in.