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My Friend Eddie: The Eddie Series

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Nikki Saunders

My Friend Eddie: The Eddie Series

Paperback (Independently published June 7, 2019)
A follow on from My Awesome Autism! Charlie explains that her friend Eddie has autism. Charlie wears a 'star' on her dungarees, because she is a 'superstar friend' to Eddie! Charlie explains, that she did not know a lot about autism, before meeting Eddie in reception class! Charlie gives Eddie his ear defenders in assembly, when it starts to get too loud! Charlie understands, that Eddie is still her friend, should he need to leave her game, to play alone for a while. Charlie informs friends, teachers and siblings of her findings and her feelings. A real helpful eye opener for friends and siblings of children with autism. This book contains slightly more text than My Awesome Autism. As with all of the Eddie Series, the book is beautifully illustrated, informative, overwhelmingly positive and shares important explanations of diversity. Charlie enables her readers to deal with situations from Eddie's perspective, showing understanding and empathy. A great book to give to teachers and friends.
1072684675 / 9781072684671
4.0 oz.
8.0 x 0.1 in.

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