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Samuel Ebeid, Tom Kruse, D X Varos, Ltd

The Heiress of Egypt

Egypt, a land so rich in myth, its origins are not fully known. But there are stories - stories that the earliest Egyptians were taught civilization by celestial beings.

Thousands of years later, at a time when the Great Pyramids of Geza were still shiny and new, legendary creatures flourished, and high priests still controlled the magical substance left by the Celestials called Kairemi. But it's also a time of treachery as one Pharaoh is brutally overthrown and his entire family slaughtered, save one young daughter, Merit, who escapes into hiding. The hedonistic new Royal Family have their own struggles, with King Varis maneuvering to place his daughter, Hamees, on the throne after him, setting aside his own son.

It's also a time of heroes, like Roma, a former palace guard turned defender of Princess Merit. He receives a great prophecy and must use it to determine Egypt's fate by pooling all her legendary resources to ensure the throne, and control of the Kairemi, goes to the correct Heiress of Egypt. But is that Merit or Hamees?