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The Pink Fairy Book: By Andrew Lang - Illustrated

Andrew Lang

The Pink Fairy Book: By Andrew Lang - Illustrated

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Dec. 17, 2017)

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  1. Unabridged (100% Original content)
  2. Font adjustments & biography included
  3. Illustrated

The Pink Fairy Book by Andrew Lang

The Pink Fairy Book is a collection of fairy tales and folk tales by Andrew Lane. It includes classic fairy tales that are sure to surprise modern audiences but are a treat for children and adults alike. This edition has been professionally formatted for e-readers. Forty-one Japanese, Scandinavian, and Sicilian tales: "The Snow-Queen," "The Cunning Shoemaker," "The Two Brothers," "The Merry Wives," "The Man without a Heart," and more. All the stories are narrated in the clear, lively prose for which Lang was famous and are considered to be the very best English versions available. It is almost impossible to envision what childhood would be like without the enchanting world of fairyland. Three-headed trolls, horses that carry their masters up mountains of glass, giants and dwarfs, monsters and magicians, fairies and ogres — these are the companions who will thrill young boys and girls of all lands and all times, as Andrew Lang's phenomenally successful collections of stories have proved. From the day that they were first printed, the Lang fairy tale books of many colors have entertained thousands of boys and girls, as they have also brought pleasure to the many parents who have read these unforgettable classics to their children.
1977671241 / 9781977671240
17.6 oz.
6.0 x 0.6 in.

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