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Robin Redbreast
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Mrs. Molesworth
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Mrs. Molesworth

Robin Redbreast

Paperback (Blurb March 10, 2017)
It was red too-the out-jutting front, where the deep porch was, looking specially red, in contrast with the wings, which were entirely covered with ivy, while this centre was kept clear of any creepers. And high up, almost in the roof, two curious round windows, which caught and reflected the sunset glow-for the front was due west-over the top of the wall, itself so ivy grown that it seemed more like a hedge, might easily have been taken as representing two bright, watchful eyes. For these windows were, or always looked as if they were, spotlessly clean and shining. 'What a quaint name! how uncommon and picturesque!' people used to say the first time they saw the house and heard what it was called.
1366512391 / 9781366512390
11.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.5 in.

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