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Purim in Pictures and Words: A Holiday Interactive Book

Age 5-11
Grade K-4

Sarah Mazor

Purim in Pictures and Words: A Holiday Interactive Book

Paperback (Independently published March 6, 2020)
Purim in Pictures and Words tells the extraordinary story of the miraculous survival of Jews of Persia in the days of Xerxes I, the emperor who is also known as King Achashverosh.The story begins with King Achashverosh’s grandiose party and ends with the appointment of Mordechai-the-Righteous as the Persian king’s top minister. The complicated story involves a beauty contest, servants conspiring to kill the king, and an evil plot by an evil man to eliminate the Jewish people.This informative, interactive book, which is based on the text of Megillat Esther (the Scroll of Esther), also includes an overview of the customs and traditions associated with the holiday of Purim.Recommended for children between the ages of 5-11.
Jewish Holiday Interactive Books for Children (Book 2)
/ 9798622118722
12.0 oz.
8.5 x 0.2 in.

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