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Takedown #8: Winning Season

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Age 8-12
Grade 3-7

Rich Wallace

Takedown #8: Winning Season

Paperback (Puffin Books Sept. 6, 2007) , Reprint Edition
Strong, wiry, and lightweight, Donald seems to have the perfect combination of physical attributes for wrestling. And after seeing a high school wrestling match, he's excited to join Hudson City's middle-school team. The workouts are grueling, and he loses his first few matches, but Donald's most difficult obstacle is his temper. Can he channel it to work for him instead of against him? Packed with action and drama, this newest Winning Season book from accomplished author Rich Wallace won't disappoint.
Winning Season (Book 8)
0142409197 / 9780142409190
4.0 oz.
5.08 x 0.32 in.

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