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The Wonderful World of Wearable Devices

Age 10-13
Grade 4-6

Jennifer A. Swanson

The Wonderful World of Wearable Devices

Paperback (Rosen Young Adult Jan. 1, 2015)
The benefits offered by wearable devices seem limitless, and for many people, the devices are really chic. These wireless gadgets can track the number of steps people take each day; measure their heart rates, the number of calories they ate, or the amount of energy they expended; or access data by using cloud computing. "Wearables"--bracelets, rings, eyeglasses, necklaces, shoe clips, and more--enable individuals to read, text, send e-mails, stay connected via social networks, or access the Internet as they walk. This intriguing volume also explains the devices' cutting-edge medical applications, including as impact indicators for concussion studies.
Digital and Information Literacy
1477779396 / 9781477779392
12.6 oz.
7.0 x 0.2 in.

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