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Dawn and the Impossible Three

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Age 8-12
Grade 3-7

Ann M. Martin

Dawn and the Impossible Three

Paperback (Scholastic Inc. May 5, 2020)
America's favorite series returns with a new look and a Netflix tv show.
As the newest member of the BSC, Dawn is eager to prove herself. So when a big job comes along, she jumps at the chance to show everyone what she's made of.

The Barretts are even more challenging than Dawn expected. The house is a mess, Mrs. Barrett is unreliable, and the kids are out of control. Dawn knows she's a great baby-sitter, but this is impossible! She only knows one thing for sure--a member of the BSC never gives up!
The Baby-Sitters Club (Book 5)
1338642243 / 9781338642247
4.2 oz.
5.2 x 0.5 in.

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