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Tuff Fluff: The Case of Duckie's Missing Brain

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Age 6-9
Grade 1-4

Scott Nash

Tuff Fluff: The Case of Duckie's Missing Brain

Hardcover (Candlewick Feb. 26, 2008)
With retro flair and pun-filled prose, Scott Nash takes young readers on a comical adventure into the underbelly of the stuffed animal world.He might look like nothin’ but a moth-eaten stuffed animal, but to the residents of Los Attic, this shabby rabbit is Tuff Fluff, Private Eye. No case is too tough for his fluffy mind . . . except maybe the case of Duckie’s missing brain. "Someone’s been playing foul with this fowl," the hard-boiled detective declares. But as he plunges into the dark and dusty places, showing his smarts — and his soft side — can he find enough clues to fit together the pieces of this peculiar puzzle?
0763634832 / 9780763634834
10.4 oz.
6.3 x 0.4 in.

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