Simon Falshaw
The Stone
While looking for fossils Zoe, Jake and Adam find an enigmatic and beautiful stone. The mysterious rock seems to have a will of its own and drags the children into a whirlpool of adventure. Why is the man with a hat trying to steal it? Is he shape shifter? Summoned by messages from a waddle of penguins and a singing starling they set out to visit the local zoo at midnight to uncover the truth about the stone. But then the stone goes missing….Follow them as they discover a world of strange and wonderful creatures, the warm hearted nubble-hummocks, the bizarre and hesitant mully-wuzzles, the Stonc and the terrifying Zwaartmoord. Behind the evil lurks Lord Skarn a genius who has raises genetically engineered monsters in a mad quest to destroy and recreate the earth. The future of the world hangs in the balance. It seems that nothing can prevent disaster, but then that might just be what will save them.This fantasy novel is set in The Black Country of the West Midlands. The characters arise out of the landforms of this rich and historic area to create a distinct and powerful story.