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The Story of Daniel Boone for Young Readers

Frances M. Perry

The Story of Daniel Boone for Young Readers

language (A. J. Cornell Publications April 15, 2011)
Originally published in 1900 as part of the author’s larger “Four American Pioneers,” this Kindle edition, equivalent in length to a physical book of approximately 60 pages, recounts, in simple language for young readers, the story of the "Hero of Kentucky," frontiersman Daniel Boone.


I. Childhood
II. A Young Hunter
III. Westward Ho!
IV. A Second Robinson Crusoe
V. East Again
VI. Preparing the Way
VII. The New Kentucky Home
VIII. Indian Hostilities
IX. Boone Made Prisoner
X. Captivity and Escape
XI. Preparations for the Siege
XII. The Siege of Boonesborough
XIII. Dark Days
XIV. Old Age

As they neared the ridge the long grass in the ravines suddenly became alive with armed savages. A deadly fire was poured upon the troops from both sides. Many fell, dead or wounded. The others returned fire, but in vain. To face those terrible volleys meant death. A retreat was ordered. It became a flight. The Indians were upon the terror-stricken men, brandishing their tomahawks and mad for blood.

Boone held his men together as long as there was hope of united action. Then all became disorder. It was a bitter thing for him to see those young men, the flower of the settlement, dead upon the bare earth, but when his son Israel was shot the father forgot others. He took his dying boy in his arms and with the strength of love and despair strode through the flying bullets unhurt.

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