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Hide-n-Go-Coffin and Other Scary Short Stories

MJ Ware

Hide-n-Go-Coffin and Other Scary Short Stories

language ( Feb. 19, 2011)
Includes two free additional short stories.
That's three 'terrorific' short stories for one low price.

Playing hide-and-seek in a cemetery is disrespectful. When it happens to be cursed, the results can be deadly. Or even worse, as Jason finds out when he takes a bet to play an ill-fated game on Halloween.

Includes the bonus short story: Brother's Keeper – Zack would be wise to spend less time looking for his missing sled and more time worrying about what is lurking outside. But he's not the only one who'll have to pay for his single-mindedness.

Also includes the bonus short story: Grandpa's suits – A game of spin-the-bottle with the school pervert isn't a bright idea. Fortunately for Zoey, she's not quite alone.

Five Chapter Extended Preview of Super Zombie Juice Mega Bomb:
When life gives you lemons, kill zombies—turns out lemon juice neutralizes the undead.
Best friends Nathan & Misty return home to discover the military has destroyed the bridges out of their rural town & everyone's fled—except a small horde of zombies.
Even with the help of the town geek, they'll need more then lemonade-powered Super-Soakers; they'll need the Super Zombie Juice Mega Bomb.

These stories are not recommended for kids under 8.

Praise for Hide-n-Go-Coffin:
"I really liked these scary stories. They are short and easy to read. I didn't know what was going to happen until it did. It wasn't TOO scary though, so I didn't end up having nightmares. They were more suspenseful then scary. They reminded me of the Goosebumps stories that I really like. " -Kids Review from E&K family Reviews

"This is a good book if you like scary stories. It's almost a page turner whe(re) you want to keep reading. 5 Stars." -Tech4Geeks

"...when I had finished reading it, my only thought was : If only that could happen to all of them." 5 Star Review. -Sparky Dash

About the Author:
M.J.A. Ware, known as MJ to his friends, lives in the foothills of the Sierra Mountains with his wife and two daughters. When not writing about aliens, monsters and ghosts, he runs a company where he designs award winning video arcades. He's currently polishing his latest novel, Super Zombie Juice Mega Bomb, about friends who take on an army of the undead, armed with nothing but Super Soakers--filled with zombie killing juice.

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