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The Onlyhouse
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Teresa Toten
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Red Deer Press
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Grade 1-2

Teresa Toten

The Onlyhouse

Paperback (Red Deer Press Oct. 15, 2014) , 1 edition
Lucy Vakovik and her mama have just moved into their own home. At last. It's an Onlyhouse with a backyard and everything ― so much better than her old apartment. Lucy even has her own bed ― so what if it's in the dining room! With the school year about to start, she's sure to make new friends. Right? Well, not quite. First of all, being Croatian isn't quite the same as being a "real Canadian" as Lucy calls her new neighbours. They don't wear their hair in braids, and they don't have mothers who make them take flowers to a friend's house when they go visit. And they don't have mothers who say, "you be 'scusing my sometime English is broking." What's a kid supposed to do? To fit in with the popular crowd at school, Lucy's got more than one fight ahead of her and important choices to make about what is right and wrong. Luckily, Lucy's got spunk enough to know she's not any of the bad names she's sometimes called ― she's Lucy and that's a good place to start.
0889955190 / 9780889955196
10.6 oz.
5.5 x 1.0 in.