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The Bravest Squirrel in School

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Sara Shafer

The Bravest Squirrel in School

language (Sara Daniel April 1, 2014)
Lana has no interest in being brave like her brother and sister. However, she would like to be cuddled by a human, as long as another squirrel is nearby to keep her safe and rescue her.

But the plan goes horribly wrong. She ends up in a school bus full of children with no other squirrel to take care of her. Inside the school, she is discovered by a crowd of children who think she is a toy to poke and toss around.

With no one coming to rescue her, Lana needs to stand up for herself against the playground bullies and figure out a way to get back home. If she’s not brave enough to rescue herself, she’ll be stuck in school forever.

The Bravest Squirrel Series:
#1 The Bravest Squirrel Ever
#2 The Bravest Squirrel in the Forest
#3 The Bravest Squirrel in School
#4 The Bravest Squirrel Drives a Race Car

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