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G.L. Miller

All Because of Chickens

Paperback (MuseItUp Publishing July 1, 2016)
Returning to the family homestead intensifies twelve-year-old Sammy’s longing for the family heritage—farming. But Dad’s ultimatum, “… no crops, no animals, no barn…” shows Dad wants nothing to do with farming, for himself or Sammy. Then why did Dad insist Sammy join a farming club? Permission slips for Ag club summer projects are due. Sammy defends his project choice with, “Technically, Dad, chickens are birds not animals.” Miraculously, he wins Dad’s approval. Sammy’s problems begin with the early arrival of his peeps and the loss of his best pals. His ingenuity to care for his chicks, make a new friend, and design a compost bin win him a new name. His biggest challenge—can he butcher his roosters? Summer’s many adventures include solving a mystery, fighting a hawk, and being disqualified at the County Fair. At the end of the project, has he won…or lost…the thing he wanted most—Dad’s change of heart about farming?
1771278161 / 9781771278164
9.4 oz.
5.5 x 0.4 in.

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