Joyce Scarbrough

Shades of Blue

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform Oct. 17, 2015) , 1 edition
Southern Gothic about two kids precariously balanced on the ledge overlooking the chasm of adulthood, holding on to each other to keep from going over. Their innocence is shattered the day JoJo sees the bruises on Sam's back and knows his stepfather is beating him. And Sam won't let her tell anyone because of the hold his stepfather has on his mother and the power his wealthy family wields in the small Georgia town where they live. As JoJo tries to convince Sam to get away from the abuse, they discover just how dark the family secrets are, and just how dangerous of a man his stepfather really is.
1517546745 / 9781517546748
11.7 oz.
5.5 x 0.5 in.

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