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Discover Dinosaurs - Fun Facts For Kids

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Rose Alden

Discover Dinosaurs - Fun Facts For Kids

language (Celandine Publishing Nov. 3, 2013)
The Discover series by popular children's author Rose Alden is acknowledged by educators, parents and children alike to be one of the best educational eBooks series available.

Fascinating information is cleverly presented with engaging questions, fun facts and stunning photographs all beautifully packaged to entertain and educate enquiring young minds.

Discover Dinosaur means 'terrible lizard' but dinosaurs weren't lizards at all, so what were they?

Discover the answer to this and many more in the fascinating questions in Discover Dinosaurs.

What is a dinosaur?
Which were the first dinosaurs?
When did they appear and how did the world look back then?
What do scientists think caused the dinosaurs to disappear?
Tyrannosaurus Rex
Meet the modern day dinosaurs!

A fact filled feast for the eyes

Ages 5 - 10

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