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Uncle Remus; His Songs and Sayings

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Joel Chandler Harris

Uncle Remus; His Songs and Sayings

Paperback (Forgotten Books Oct. 31, 2009)
To Arthur Burdette Frost:
My DEAR FROST: I am expected to suppl~.;' a preface
for this new edition of nly £rst book-to advance from
behind the curtain, as it were, and make a fresh bow
to the public that has dealt with Uncle Remus in so
gentle and generous a fashion. For this event the
lights are to be rekindled, and I am expected to
respond in son1e fonnal way to an encore that marks
the fifteenth anniversary of the book. There have
been other editions-how many I do not rememberbut
tllis is to be an entirely new one, except as to the
matter: new type, new pictures, and new binding.
But, as frequently happens on such occasions, I
am at a loss for a word. I seem to see before me the
smiling faces of thousands of children-some young
and fresh, and SOlne wearing the friendly marks of
age, but. all children at heart-and not an unfriendly
face among them. And out of the confusion, and
iii while I am trying hard to speak the righ

Table of Contents

CONTENTS; LEGE~'"DS OF THE OLD PLANTATION; I-Uncle Remus initiates the Little Boy; II-The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story o; IlL-Why :Mr Possum loves Peace; IV-How Mr Rabbit was too sharp for Mr Fox; V-The Story of the Deluge, and how it came; about ; VI-Mr Rabbit grossly deceives Mr Fox; VII-Mr Fox is again victimized ; VIII-Mr Fox is "outdone" by Mr Buzzard; IX-Miss Cow falls a Victim to Mr Rabbit ; X-Mr Terrapin appears upon the Scene; XL-Mr Wolf makes a Failure; XIL-l1r Fox tackles Old Man Tarrypin ; XIII-The Awful Fate of Mr Wolf ; XIV-Mr Fox and the Deceitful Frogs ; XV-Mr Fox goes a-hunting, but Mr Rabbit bags; the Game; XVI-Old Mr Rabbit, he's a Cood Fishennan ; XVII-1lr Rabbit nibbles up the Butter; XVlII-ltlr Rabbit Bvds his Match at last ; XIX-The Fa
1440062382 / 9781440062384
19.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.7 in.

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