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An Autobiography by Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

An Autobiography by Theodore Roosevelt

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform July 26, 2016)
The acclaimed autobiography of Theodore 'Teddy' Roosevelt is brought to the reader anew in this well-produced edition. Written over a course of years and first published in 1913, this lengthy yet unceasingly interesting biography sees one of the United States finest Presidents recount his own life in his own words. Theodore Roosevelt sets out his life's events in a way which clarify how he came to possess his beliefs. We hear of his love of the great outdoors which would in turn result in the establishment of America's national parks, and the belief in commerce as an engine for progress which would lead to the state-sponsored construction of the Panama Canal during the years of his presidency. Seldom straying to dryness or overly technical description of the many and varied events of his lifetime, Theodore Roosevelt instead imbues every chapter with keynote personality and liveliness. Personal letters with influential figures are shared, placing the reader deeply into the political world which the popular and charismatic author was immersed. Written with vitality and wisdom, verve and passion, the autobiographical effort of Theodore Roosevelt has aged well. Consistently praised by critics to this day, this book remains essential reading for any reader intrigued by American history, culture and politics, as well as general appreciators of good biography.
1535492198 / 9781535492195
22.4 oz.
6.0 x 1.0 in.

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