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Sand Dunes and Salt Marshes

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Charles Wendell Townsend

Sand Dunes and Salt Marshes

Paperback (Dodo Press Oct. 2, 2009) , Illustrated edition
Charles Wendell Townsend (1859-1934) was one of the many physicians whose interest in natural history has led them to the closer study of birds. He was elected to membership in the American Ornithologists' Union in 1901, and was made a Fellow in 1923. He was a valued member of the Nuttall Ornithological Club and served for a time as a vice president and as a member of the Council. His works include: Along the Labrador Coast (1907), Sand Dunes and Salt Marshes (1913) and Supplement to the Birds of Essex County, Massachusetts (1920).
1409989739 / 9781409989738
11.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.5 in.

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