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Melyssa Winchester

Count On Me

Paperback (Melyssa Winchester April 19, 2014)
There are people that tell you high school is the best time of your life. They lied. High school is horrible when you’re like me and you’re autistic. They think that because I don’t talk and I seem to always be lost in my own world, I’m stupid or deaf. Some even think I’m retarded. I’m none of those things and I don’t like that word. Just because I've got these issues, doesn't mean it’s all I am. There’s a lot more to me, but no one really takes the time to get to know it. At least that’s how it was until Kayden. Kayden Walker is bad news. He spends his time making people that are different, like me, feel even worse about themselves and he does it with a smile. He’s everything I don’t need in my life, yet he’s the one person I can’t seem to live without. Underneath, there’s more to him that he’s afraid to let the rest of the world see. I've seen it and as I’m finding out, we’re not so different after all…
0993621465 / 9780993621468
13.4 oz.
6.0 x 0.6 in.

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