Cassidy Dwelis

Hidden In Glass

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform July 20, 2011)
I could feel its hot, smoke-steam breath. I could see its scales. The wood against my back seemed to be giving me splinters and it was cracking and popping in the immense heat. The sea of magma below me turned and bubbled. The ashen sky above me dropped flakes of burnt matter onto my shirt; And the dragon was still there. Whether it be a hallucination, trick of the light, or my lack of sleep, I had to get into Mr. O’Brien’s study or I was going to die. Brenden McCoy has recently lost his parents, been thrust into a stranger’s home with his sister, and cannot sleep due to strange bumps in the night. What are the lights outside of the window? Are they just fireflies, or are they magic?
1461038502 / 9781461038504
17.6 oz.
5.2 x 0.9 in.

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