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Johnny Graphic and the Etheric Bomb

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D. R. Martin

Johnny Graphic and the Etheric Bomb

eBook (Conger Road Press June 12, 2012)
Ghost assassins are coming for Johnny Graphic’s sister. Because of something they believe she knows. Something big. Very big.

But how can Johnny, Zenith’s youngest news photographer, save his big sister? After all, he’s just a kid with a camera.

What begins with a brutal attack in a far-away city mushrooms into a plot that could end the world. With a little help from his friends—living and dead—Johnny plays a key role in protecting his beloved hometown from utter destruction.

Johnny’s adventures take him and his press camera across the continent and halfway around the world—seeking out answers to the ghost conspiracy that threatens everyone. And what he discovers only scratches the surface. Saving Zenith from getting blown up is just the beginning.

This richly atmospheric, action-packed first novel in the Johnny Graphic Trilogy gives you ghosts like you’ve never seen before. Ghosts that are creatures of science, not fantasy. Ghosts that are productive members of society. Ghosts that are good and evil. Ghosts that will terrify you, move you, and delight you.

“A strong pick for young adult readers, highly recommended.” —Midwest Book Review

“[Martin] does for ghosts what Asimov did for robots.” —Top 50 Amazon Reviewer

“A pulp-inspired romp with a unique take on ghosts and zombies. My son loved this book and looks forward to the sequel.” —Reads4Tweens

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