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On a Pincushion and Other Tales

Mary De Morgan

On a Pincushion and Other Tales

language (Digital Text Publishing Company Sept. 2, 2009)
Mary De Morgan began by telling stories to the children of friends and ended up publishing three collections of fairy tales: On a Pincushion and Other Tales (1877), The Necklace of Princess Fiorimonde (1880), and The Windfairies (1900). All of these are available for the Kindle.

This is the first of her collections and starts with 3 stories that are told by, a pebble brooch, a jet shawl-pin, and a common pin. One of the most famous and well known fairy tales is, 'The Toy Princess'.

Instead of having a Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty marry the prince as the formula for a happy ending, De Morgan turns the miserable princess into a happy peasant. This is a cheery tale in its style, and has entertainment value for children. Its message contrasts with the usual elements for indoctrinating images of female goodness in little girls. Act up! Run and Play! Have Fun! Express your feelings, positive and negative. Live life to the fullest. This is a beautifully written tale,enjoyable from beginning to end.(from a review by Fay Sheco)

The Story of Vain Lamorna -- The Seeds of Love -- The Story of the Opal -- Seigfrid and Handa -- The Hair Tree -- A Toy Princess -- Through the Fire.

This book for the Kindle also contains 12 pages with illustrations and are available for viewing at

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